
Thu 12th Sep

w/ Aidan Gibson Green like the Colour Stereo Check-Out

We are delighted to be bring Edinburgh’s Aidan Gibson from the capital to Glasgow for his La Cheetah debut! The Club Signal boss has been making waves on the East coast for some time now and he is consistently part of the Saturday night Pleasure events and has been consistently bringing international talent to Sneaky Petes such as as Vlada, Lukas Wigflex and Dream E… and beyond. His monthly radio show on Balamii is consistently dreamy with floaty ambient tunes and downtempo beats – but don’t be fooled. His record bag is teaming with gems fit for the La Cheetah soundsystem. Residents Green like the Colour and Stereo Check-Out are once again on warm up duty and have been digging harder than ever to make sure that this one is going to be a night to remember. LIMITED £0 TICKETS AVAILABLE

Starts 23:00
Ends 03:00