La Cheetah Club presents

Fri 1st Mar

w/ Peach Wardy & Dom D'Sylva

We’re delighted to welcome the ever wonderful, Peach, back to the club on Friday 1st March for what will be the 1st of our La Cheetah 15 parties which will run throughout 2024. She’s consistently been one of our favourite artists over the years, her last all nighter for us in 2022 only served to justify our fandom. As a producer and a DJ, there’s not many that can touch her out there atm. We really can’t think of anyone that will set the tone for this benchmark year for us the way she will. Club residents, Wardy and Dom D’Sylva, will be on had to get the place moving.

Starts 23:00
Ends 03:00

DOOR TAX: 10/12/14